Automation and New Humans in Oil and Gas

With automation disrupting oil and gas, new leadership skills rise to the fore while the pressure on HR to recruit effectively increases.
Succession Planning for Mining Companies

For mining companies, installing new leadership is an ongoing process. What traits should be sought after? Where can talent be found?
Wearable Technology and Other Advancements in Jobsite Safety

Optimizing wearable technology and other jobsite safety developments involves investing time and money, while alleviating privacy concerns.
Transparency Marketing in the Primary Sector

Agriculture and forestry have a serious PR problem. But luckily, a solution is within reach.
The Reality of Today’s Skilled Oil and Gas Workers

Skilled workers faced a dark reality with the onset of Alberta’s oil and gas crisis in 2014. 100,000 industry jobs were lost and, since then, the job market hasn’t been the same. [1] This crisis continues to weigh hard on workers for many reasons, one of them being the accustomed high pay. After all, oil […]
As Canadian and Global Mining Indices Plummet, the Reaction from the Job Market

Recent data from mainstream mining indices are showing a rapid decline in value, in some cases not seen since early 2016. The S&P TSX Metals & Mining Index has plummeted almost 19% from July this year, and the Global Index dropping almost 12% in the same period (July to October 2018). As a reference, […]