The Absence of Workplace Wellness in Food Services and Hotels

Workplace wellness has become a concern in hotels and food services where employees risk their health at work on a daily basis..
Your Office is Your Outfit, Dress for Success

The old saying goes that clothes make the man (or woman). While this is not completely true, it’s not completely false either. The same notion could easily apply to real estate. If an office is the clothes a company wears, well, it’s best to dress the part. Much like clothing, office real estate is one […]
Six Ways Pro Sports Recruiting Mirrors That of the Business World

Identifying, attracting and retaining talent is a key factor in the success of any company. Perhaps nowhere is this more true than in professional sports. Just as in other businesses, there are specialized professionals hard at work scouting and recruiting the best possible individuals to round out a pro team’s roster. Unlike many of us […]
Recruiting Firms vs Internal HR: Measuring Benefits and Cost

Having the right people in place is perhaps the most important aspect of maintaining a well-run and successful organization. With this in mind, identifying and recruiting top talent is a component of company management that must be given top priority. Some companies choose to utilize an agency to handle recruitment, while others opt to do […]
Politics in the Workplace: Employer Policies and Employee Protocol

Political disagreements are nothing new. For as long as we’ve had a political process, we’ve been discussing it passionately amongst ourselves on a regular basis. If you feel, however, that debate is more prominent, as well as more pointed, than usual in recent years, you’re not alone. On TV, online and on the street political […]
Surviving Recession: Business and HR Strategies
Recently we detailed some of the factors that are leading many economists to believe that a recession may be just around the corner.1 Of course we don’t know exactly when the next economic downturn will strike, but we do know that it is a matter of when, not a matter of if. With this in […]
Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources; What’s the Right Balance?
Artificial intelligence is perhaps the most rapidly ascending technology of our current age. In most parts of the workforce, and indeed life itself, humans are interacting with an evolving complement of programming designed to aid and inform. One of the areas most affected by this emerging trend is the human resources department. The responsibilities of […]
TGIM: What Employers and Employees Can Do to Mend the Monday Blues
There are lots of great songs about Saturdays. Mondays? Not so much. The Boomtown Rats don’t like them, the Mamas and the Papas don’t trust them and the Bangles simply describe them as “manic”. Mondays are about as popular as traffic jams or runny noses. It makes sense; for many of us it’s the first […]
Six Traits of Effective HR Managers
Being an effective HR Manager involves wearing many hats and utilizing a host of talents, skills and aptitudes. We offer a breakdown.
What to do when your employee comes out as transgender
Vancouver Pride Festival is less than one month away. As a week of celebration, it offers locals the opportunity to celebrate diversity. It also gives workplaces another opportunity to rethink inclusion for trans employees fighting a stigma that involves gender identity and sexuality. It’s been reported that LGBTQ+ adults are more than twice as likely […]