Pivotal Times: Mitigating Risk While Managing Change

CFO Michelle Miller on sporting goods company G3’s shift toward a direct-to-consumer sales model, maintaining supply chain stability, and remote work.
Balance Builders: Construction Accounting and Finance

Cost allocation and cash flow challenges in the construction industry make top tier finance and accounting professionals crucial to success.
Attracting Investors Means Doing Your Homework

Private Equity and Venture Capital will respond to well versed individuals who present a compelling business case and a strong organization.
Harnessing Collaboration and Disruption in Growth Equity

Cam Pollard of Venn Growth Partners believes there’s ample room for growth equity opportunity in Canada as industry disruption abounds.
Accounting Help for SMEs Extends Beyond Bean Counting

Qualified help and advice from accountants more important than ever amid relief funds, complicated taxes and cybersecurity concerns.
The Dynamic CFO

Strategist, technologist, leader, social advocate, risk calculator. There is much more to the CFO role than mere bean-counter.
Fundraising and Financing at Not-for-Profits

Not-for-Profits face a host of financial and legal challenges. Overcoming them requires recruiting strong leaders, often on a budget.
The Future of Fintech and Insurtech is Coming Into View

As markets shift to accommodate younger generations, fintech and insurtech execs must be well-versed in user experience and new regulations.
Succession Planning For Future Insurance Leaders
With the insurance industry facing turnover as a result of retirement amongst Baby Boomers, boardrooms are placing additional focus upon succession planning. The forces of disruption, among them automation, artificial intelligence, changing customer expectations and industry realignment, necessitate that leaders be well versed in digital skills and big-picture strategy, while the importance of traditional skills […]
2020 Trends in Finance & Accounting
Career path planning is nothing new in the finance and accounting world. This is where term contracts and professional designation funding are the norm, providing a clear picture of the road ahead. Companies looking to net strong candidates can expect to field questions about their professional development offering. Ever-present factors in finance and accounting are […]