Ask a Recruiter: Should Candidates Disclose Their Side Gigs?

Side gigs are becoming more and more prevalent, with one recent study showing that 1 in 4 Canadians have one. As far as employers are concerned, these ‘side hustles’ can be a distraction, stealing the focus, or even the loyalty of their employees. But are there advantages as well? Should candidates disclose their side hustles […]
Bridging the Gap: Lessons for For-Profit Accountants from the Not-for-Profit World

In the world of finance and accounting, the dichotomy between for-profit and not-for-profit entities is often perceived as a stark division. However, beneath the surface, there exists a wealth of valuable lessons that accountants working in for-profit companies can glean from their counterparts in the not-for-profit sector. While their objectives may differ, both sectors share […]